Thoughts on life, leadership and the movement called the church by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Imagine Christmas from Mary's Perspective

Today was an incredible day! Many of you have responded with kind words, FB messages and wall posts, and emails. I'm grateful and humbled. I'm also mindful that what happened today is all about what God is doing in our church. If there is anything for us to be proud of, it is that we occasionally are self-aware enough to get out of the way and let God do what only He can do. Today, when I walked out onto the stage to wrap up the first service, I felt the Spirit nudge me to have you single mom's stand so that we could surround you the way that a community surrounded Mary. If you were in the first service, you will remember this moment when I walked back onto the stage and just stood there. I was asking myself, "are you really going to do this?" and I was arguing with God, "God, isn't this going to be a little too much for some folks?" But, in hindsight, it occurs to me that God is pretty smart :-) He knows what He's doing. He doesn't need my intelligent debate, my insights or my perspective - He needs my obedience.
I confess to you that I don't always obey. I fall short, disobey, occasionally even openly rebel (just like you). But sometimes, I remember that God sees what we do not, goes where we will not, and does what we cannot. His goodness is fresh and new and I’m amazed at how awesome He is when we will only yield to the winds of His Spirit.
The single moms in the collage above represent only a small portion of these quiet heroes in our church. As Susan and I made a list at home tonight, we came up with dozens of names - just between the 2 of us. May it be that we will never forget that we are to be the hands and feet and, indeed, the very presence of God to you special champions in our community.

Thanks to all of you for your kinds words. God gets all of the credit for the incredible movement of this day. We equally share the privilege of standing in His grace and serving the people who long to draw closer to Jesus. It is incredibly humbling for me to lead this incredible movement we call Powhatan Community Church.


Kelley said...

I know I already told you this... but I just must, once again, say that today just re-iterated what I already know. As a single mom, I could not make it through, as gracefully as I do, without the love and support of so many at PCC. What an awesome reminder of that to so many today. I feel honored, privileged and blessed to be any part of this family of believers. Yes, God gets ALL the credit. Every single bit. But, still, I applaud you and thank you for listening to God's voice and heeding His command today... for many, many lives were touched. My, my family, changes lives... what a powerful statement to be able to say. Thanks, Brian.. thanks..

Audrey said...

from: Audrey
I too was very moved from your service, I repeated much of the service at work, to friends and family, thank you from a single mom!! I can't wait until the next service!!!!!