Thoughts on life, leadership and the movement called the church by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

Friday, August 14, 2009

Some Updates...

Here is a hodgepodge of things I'm thinking, working on, etc.

  • August 18 Meeting. Don't forget about the churchwide meeting on Tuesday, August 18 at 7pm at the Village Building in Powhatan (immediately next to May Memorial Church). We will be discussing the latest information on our building AND answering every question you have. We will let everyone go at 8:30, but I'll stay until we've taken every question. Even if you don't have any specific questions, I would ask that you come if you can.
  • Leadership. There is still a lot rattling around in me from last week's Leadership Summit. We have the best leaders anywhere, I'm convinced of it. I'm just starting to read the books that I got from the Summit and I'm really enjoying them.
  • Demographic work. I keep thinking about doing some new demographic work about Powhatan. The data I have is a couple of years old. Not overly dated, but still could use a refresher. If you like that sort of thing, let me know. I'd love to have some help on this project.
  • Baptism. Beginning to think and plan for the next Baptism. It's September 13. There are folks already on the list, so it's going to be as exciting as ever. If you or someone you know has made a commitment to following Jesus Christ, but have never been baptized as a believer, this will be a very important part of the journey. Contact me or Lori at our office if you want to talk about it.
  • Multi-site. Perhaps you've heard that we are looking to launch a second campus in Midlothian. While this concept may be new to you, churches have been going multi-site for several years now, with great success. There are many great reasons to move in this direction, and I'm really excited about what God is going to do. More info is coming.
  • New Logo. We are changing our logo. Actually, what we have now is not a logo. This is something that our graphic design folks have been saying to me for years. I've resisted this, but the truth is that it is something we have long needed to do. I'm excited about the new branding that will come from it and how effective it will be at helping us connect with our target - especially those who are under 30. It will also give us a needed identifying symbol for all of our campuses as we become a multi-campus church.
  • Mission. Please don't forget that we have a reason for existing. PCC has, from our very first day, been focused on reaching people who are far from God and outside of other churches. We have said that we would do whatever it takes to get them, even if we don't 'like' it or it makes us 'uncomfortable'. Jesus gave himself up for the people He came to save. The Bible is very clear that we are to 'die to self'. You can read many New Testament texts that are explicit (including 1 Cor 9:22, Phil 3:8, Phil 3:12-16, Acts 10, 2 Cor 5:16-21). If you are a Christ follower, circling the wagons and just caring for your needs, desires, and preferences is not an option. You were bought with a price (1 Cor 7:23). You don't belong to yourself anymore (1 Thess. 5:8, 1 Cor 9:19). We have a calling, and it is to meet people where they are, hear their story, and ultimately introduce them to Jesus Christ. I like the way Don Miller put this in a training video Sammy recently showed the Small Group leaders. Miller said that our job, ultimately, was to put people on a blind date with God. Our job is not to defend God or convince people of the Truth of Jesus in a linear way, but to simply introduce them to a relationship with Christ. I would argue that, in order to do that, we have to set aside our own desires and meet them where they are. That's what PCC has done since our first day and it's what we will continue to do into our future.
Well, there's more rattling around in my mind, especially from some scripture I've been reading lately, but I'll share that tomorrow.

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