(Post by Shelton King, Men's Ministry Leader)
If you have attended PCC on any Sunday in May, you know that PCC is in the middle of Small Group Sign Ups for the summer semester. Just wanted you to know that it's not too late to sign up and below is the information on how to do so. Small Groups are starting this week so don't miss out on this opportunity to do church outside of Sunday mornings. Here are the Men's Group offerings....
(1) Friday Morning Group - 2102 Shade Mart Circle, Fridays, 7:00-9:00 a.m., Studying the book of Acts. Winston Jones is the leader of this group.
(1) Friday Morning Group - 2102 Shade Mart Circle, Fridays, 7:00-9:00 a.m., Studying the book of Acts. Winston Jones is the leader of this group.
(2) Tuesday Night Men - 2301 Graceland Drive, First and Third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Studying the book of 1 Kings. Tom Walthall is the leader of this group.
(3) Men's Monthly Breakfast - County Seat Restaurant, 2nd Saturday, 8:00-9:30 a.m., Bible study by men on various topics affecting men today. Study follows breakfast and fellowship. Approximately $10 for breakfast. Shelton King is the leader of this group.
(4) Wild at Heart Men's Study - Various locations, Thursday, 6-9:00 p.m., WILD, DANGEROUS, ALIVE? Are these the attributes of a Christian man? Do you really have to check your masculinity at the door when you are saved? Come find out what God has to say about the heart of man and discover what adventure He has in mind for you. This group will have weekly activities and a study. $25 for Books + Adventure costs-we will do some activities, but will keep costs as low as possible. Russ Holland is the leader of this group.
(5) Back Country - Lakes, ponds, rivers, and backwoods of Virginia, Saturday, Times vary, Men's group: sportsmen and outdoorsmen, Avid hunters and Enthusiastic fisherman. This semester we will be providing the most irrefutable excuse to hunt and fish every Saturday as the season allows: an outdoorsman small group. Seriously, she can't say you can't go to small group. Must have or be willing to purchase a Virginia State Hunting License and Virginia State Freshwater Fishing License to participate in most group meetings. Myron Shenk is the leader of this group.
Also, please take time to review the "Impact" groups where you can serve in the particular ministry that God is leading you.
If you would like to sign up for any of these groups, then please go to the following website....
or give me a call at 804-677-6527 and I'll help you choose a group that is right for you and get you signed up.
The PCC Men's Leadership team is planning some other activities for the summer months and you'll hear more about that in the month of June.
The PCC Men's Leadership team is planning some other activities for the summer months and you'll hear more about that in the month of June.
Shelton King