Thoughts on life, leadership and the movement called the church by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sunday, 1/25, a Very Important Day

This coming Sunday, we are talking about the 3rd topic in our Leverage series.  It's a topic that has the power to move the world, solve poverty, reduce crime, provide for our retirement years, and, to be honest, increase the level of luxury in our lives.   Frankly, I don't apologize for wanting any of these things - I think they are all good.  Who wouldn't want to eliminate poverty, which would certainly lead to less tension and more peace, less crime and more prosperity?  And while we might all agree that there is a level of luxury that becomes sinful, we'd also agree that most of us are a long way from it, and a little more luxury would be nice.

So, what's the topic?  Money, of course.  

Money is one of the most powerful tools in the world and can be used for some of the most positive, beneficial outcomes imaginable.  But it can also be so incredibly destructive when not understood, seen from the wrong perspective, and not leveraged appropriately.

We don't like to talk about money.  We tend to think that someone is trying to take our money from us.  So, I want to assure you of this:  This Sunday's message is not about giving.  It's about regrouping.  It's about coming back to a sane, rational, basic, Biblical understanding of how God wants us to use the money He entrusts to us.    The service will be geared towards helping folks see some truths about money as illuminated through the Bible.   And we will give you a clear step you can take if you want to move in a new direction.  Not everyone will want to (or need to) do that.  But if you are one of the many people wondering what to do, we will help you.

Jesus talked more about money than he did about any other subject because he knew how central money was to our lives, and how much power it has to help or hurt us.  There has never been an time when we needed to hear the truth about how to leverage the power of money for good than right now.

Hope to see you Sunday.

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