We made history today. We didn't found a new nation and we didn't cure a disease, but make no mistake about it: we made history. We did something we had never done before, and we pioneered something that very few have even tried in our area: We did church remotely, live, and through the Internet.
It felt GREAT. It felt like...PCC.
Today, we did church together, spread out among 400 different locations, on 400 computer screens, from Mexico to Florida, Maine, Canada, Montana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, New Mexico, South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Kentucky and more. People from churches like Atlee, Mountain View, Coastal, Northminster, May Memorial, Powhatan Mennonite, Hope, Second Branch, Amelia, Swift Creek and more. And plenty of folks who were not used to going to church tuned in to check out what we had to say in the most non-threatening of environments - their own homes. There were at least 500 people worshiping together with us, possible as many as a thousand or more. It was truly remarkable.
And it was humbling. And it was one of the most powerful moments I can remember. I cannot explain it, but I could actually feel - tangibly - the presence of the others who were with us, even though we were spread out across hundreds - even thousands of miles. It felt like...community.
God worked powerfully today, and I'm grateful for it. I'm so glad that we are called to a full life, not simply a happy one.
Beth, Tony, Susan, Chad, Scott, Matias, Andy, Mary Ashleigh, Sarah - and our families - were all a major reason we were able to get the technology and the logistics to work, especially on such short notice. I know it was hit and miss for many, with the internet connection. We'll get better at this new platform. I'm sure you haven't seen the last of this from us.
Welcome to PCC 2.0.
What an awesome service it was today. I'm so blessed to be a part of PCC and more importantly a part of THE church!!!
We are looking forward to having more internet services, and know we will be amzazed at how God will use these new worship services, in our community, and beyond! Always so grateful and blessed to be a part of the PCC family! - We loved the part of your message that we were able to receive. Keep on! LOVE PCC 2.0!
so cool to sense your excitement, Brian! Celebrating with you & Susan- how exciting! there was definitely "something in the air" this morning as I watched, listened & chatted... so glad to have joined you & PCC. hoping that Atlee will be following suit real soon!
tody was unbelievable! No one knew or expected how amazing today's service would be, for all...
I sang, danced, screamed, chatted, listened, cried, noted, chatted some more, prayed and listened to God's voice...
all from the comfort of my covers and my jammies.
MANY thanks to all the pcc peeps and their families, who spent the effort on making that hour happen.
God speaks. Everyday. Snowstorm or not. :O)
God never ceases to amaze me! Hearing your message, after reading blogs & messages from other followers, I am amazed how God is moving us all in the same direction. AMAZING grace! Taking note of Blessing in a dark world! Yet, today PCC brought LIGHT to the world..reaching, touching hearts and reminding them that GOD IS WITH THEM ALL THE TIME! Today, PCC made history beyond technology! IT MADE History in how many see HIM and HIS CHURCH! Very cool! When is the next one? SNOW?! Kudos to you, Susan, Beth, Tony, & the rest of the crew!!
Me, myrna
I think this went really well for a first time experience. We did see some technical "delays" between the picture and speaking, and one time it completely went black, but then it returned and "caught" up to real time. All in all, it was great to sit home in pj's. Teresa Farris
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