Last night's unity service was a moment I will never forget for the rest of my life. It was one of the most God-present, Holy Spirit-anointed, life changing, fulfilling days I have ever had.
But for all the work it was on me and others, the truth is that Beth Brawley carried more weight than anyone else. As I reflect on how we pulled off such an event in four days, I am keenly aware that it literally could not have happened without her.
Think about it...if you don't know...Beth: oversaw the logistical issues; ensured there would be various technicians in place; did the stage setup organization; worked with leaders like Jackie H. and John S. and Sandy S. John M, Gail L. and Chauncey S. to ensure all the teams were in place; worked with Marilyn to direct the choir; selected music; worked with me to plan the order; distributed sheets and charts; rehearsed before the rehearsal; made calls; got the video in place; ran the frantic chaos that ensued from 4pm to 6pm; and then executed the final production like a precision guided instrument.
Yes, God gets the credit for every good result. I mean that. But we can give God all of the credit and still recognize that you, Beth, were HIS agent of change last night. As much as any pastor who spoke and stood in the spotlight (me included), you deserve to be recognized and appreciated for your unbelievable commitment and incredibly hard work. I know very few people who would have risen to the occasion as you did last week. Few will know the sacrifice you made and the other areas of your life that had to take a back seat for you to make it all happen.
Every one of us is truly blessed to count you as an irreplaceable member of our team and an invaluable leader of our church. On behalf of ever grateful member of PCC and every unaware member of the larger community, can I just say, "Way to Go, Beth! We are so grateful for you!"
So that's my mom.
She's pretty spectacular.
The very first thing I did when it was over was hug her and say, "I'm proud of you." Thanks Brian for recognizing this woman, who is ALWAYS saying it is not about me and doing what it takes to make an impact on the kingdom. Proud to serve beside her and proud to call her my friend!
Your words are kind; you know I wouldn't have been anywhere else but in that room last night! It was an incredible partnership - not just of our PCC team, but folks from all over the community.
I have to give a shout out to John Starkey, who partnered with me in almost every aspect of the service that you mentioned - and, on top of that, was at PHS at 6:30 a.m. yesterday morning and didn't leave last night until everything was cleaned up and the doors were ready to be locked (probably 10:00 p.m.). We ALL work like crazy, do whatever it takes, because we BELIEVE that God has called us and equipped us and has more in store than we can possibly imagine! There are too many people out there who still haven't experienced the incredible grace and love of Jesus - and we'll do whatever it takes to reach them. It's an incredible privilege - and it's a team effort, all across the board!
I can't imagine any better investment of my life. I know I'm not the only one; a smart guy I know (initials BCH) likes to toss around this statement a LOT: Speed of the leader, speed of the team.
Glad to be on this team!
AMEN, Brian! She, and all, did an incredible job. We thank you BETH, YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!
Although I was unable to attend I would like to wave a banner over MS Brawley....besides doing all the things she did for Sunday night and for all of our services...let me say that she is one of the most gifted musicians I've ever met! hooray!!!! that we get to have her at PCC. thank you Lord!!! Move over Bruce!
I am proud to call her my friend.
I'm giving Beth a standing ovation in my heart! She's the BEST!
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