I've been thinking a lot today about yesterday. I've heard from an unusual amount of folks who have shared all kinds of stories with me. People who have struggled with depression for a long time. Some who've been on medicine - for a little while or for years. Some who were motivated to go get help through counseling and others who realize they need a doctor's help. Most expressed a need to reconnect with God.
It's interesting because this series, "The Way Out" has brought a lot of response before the services. I've been getting FB messages and emails from folks a week or two before we even talked about the subject. Seems that people are looking for a way to get their stuff on the table - permission to tell the truth, and solutions for breaking free.
There was so much more to say yesterday. I could have talked for a lot longer. There are questions with the text I wanted to go after. For example, I just brushed by the statement the angel made to Elijah "the journey is too much for you". That could have been a sermon all by itself. And then, God asks Elijah several times, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" What a loaded question. So much to say there. I encourage you to go to your Small Group and find the time to spend studying 1 Kings 18-19. The movement from 1 Kings 17 to the end of the book and see how Elijah's journey helps us on our own. It's fascinating.
It is obvious to me that we are helping some people here. The secret sin of all secret sin hasn't been dealt with yet, though. Pornography is probably the greatest case study in irony I've ever seen, because study after study indicates that a huge percentage of people look at it, but almost nobody ever talks about it. We're going to. We're not going to beat anyone up, but we are going to help people get it on the table so that they can begin to beat the demon that is hurting them and tearing their soul and their families apart - directly or indirectly.
Don't shy away from inviting people to church this week. You have no idea who needs this message. And even if they don't struggle with the subject, they'll still be blessed knowing that we aren't afraid to tackle it. By the way, it applies to pre-teens and teenagers, too.
The building tours were awesome...It really was heartwarming to see so many people come. We're getting close to moving in, and that facility will help us be more effective at reaching people and guiding them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
I finished the day with a wedding. It was an unusual, family only wedding of some folks I've come to know and love. It was a fantastic way to end the day.
Oh, the picture. People have asked what adjustments I made in my life to change the pace at which I was living. I confess that this is a struggle and I suspect it will be for the rest of my life. The awareness that I have to do some things differently and (the experience of the consequences for not) is compelling. So, I'm being much more deliberate about spending time with my family...and NOT working while I'm with them. Last week, on Spring Sreak, we took a day and went to DC to the Smithsonian. Today is a work day for me, but we'll pick the kids up from school a little later and take them out on the boat for the rest of the day.
Also, I'm being careful about what I do with all of my time. I say this to you to help you think about your time. Think about how you need to adjust. For example, I am trying to only meet with people who I can really help. People who are in situations where my knowledge or experience can really add value. Some people want to meet with the 'pastor', but the truth is that he's nothing special. What most people need is a good friend. I can help you find one who will be far more effective than I would, because they will offer you the real support you need. We only have room enough for a few close friends. That applies to all of us. I've decided that I don't help anybody by trying to please everybody. I just wear myself out. I'm going to do the things I'm best at, and leave the other stuff to people who are best at that (either because of their position, proximity, expertise, experience, skill, etc.). For example, I'm not a good counselor. If you need counseling, I can get you in touch with a great one. Does this make sense? I care deeply about people...and I'm learning to care enough to say, "I think that you need ____________ instead of a meeting with me. Why don't you let me help connect you with ________."
Anyway, sorry about the long post today. I could write a book on the awesome day yesterday was!
i don't know who organized the tours yesterday but it was one of the best planned things we ever did. the groups all starting at once, having someone at each station talking about it was a great surprise and, how perfect. seeing kevin again was also a nice surprise. everyone was enthusiastic about there area which made it exciting to the group. the different horn blows to let the different teams move on...well, please let the people know who planned that it was done great! i am a planner and can recognize a good plan when i see one. everyone is so excited about our building, more so after the tours!
I too was amazed at the ease with which the tours of the church were pulled off. Great work team!!
Brian, your sermon on depression blew me away. I was just thinking about asking you how do you with everything you do stay so focused?
Stay so upbeat,all the time and not come crashing down and question God and ask why? Why am I not finding the happiness I found in the beginning of my christian walk? God brought me out of some very heavy depression,but now and then I find myself really low.
Thank you for being so honest and sharing your experiences. Sermons like this, that touch on the touchy subjects, are what keep me coming back week after week.
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