Willow is a church that places a high value on creativity, effective leadership and imagination. Our team members spent time today learning about choirs, Christmas productions, leadership, digital audio, lighting, vocal exercises, leadership, family worship, soul care, discipleship and a host of other subjects. We networked and connected with folks who are serving God all around the world through creativity, often taking risks and challenges themselves and others to think outside the box in order to reach a hurting world with the love of Jesus.
We brought home bits and pieces of what we'd learned, sharing specific ideas with one another. And then I encouraged everyone to dream just a bit.
I asked them to describe PCC in the year 2013 - just five years from now. What did they see? What did they hope for?
I thought I'd share some of those ideas with you.
I see a multi-cultural music team...and a multi-cultural staff.
I see five Christmas Eve services that are completely full.
I see an educational arm of the church designed to train and educate others in our region, from basic bible principles to college-level theology classes.
I see large scale creative productions for major events.
I see a tithing church that truly understands the personal and corporate impact of tithing.
I see us making a difference in the community by feeding people in need.
I see a Sunday morning cafe for social gatherings and fellowship.
I see opportunities for foreign missions for families.
I see a choir that is open to everyone.
I see a Christian comedy club.
I see streaming video from the Christian Comedy Network.
I see a church that is known for creative variety in its worship experiences.
I see a thriving church in Amelia county with strong children's, student and worship ministry teams in place.
We dream, wondering what God will lead us to do. We know that obedience is key, and that our primary task is to stay in Him and hear His voice.
What do YOU dream?
I love it when people think BIG. Exspecially when they think about Christian Comedy. If I can help you with any of the Comedy stuff your are thinking of, please let me know. Visit www.bigfatbellylaugh.com or DennisTooley.com
Wow, this is a great question to ask, and for all of us to be thinking of.
I see a a very diverse music ministry, including ensembles of different styles, mentorship for young Christian musicians, outreach to the community of our own musicians/dramatists, and hosting Christian recording artists into our space as community events.
I see an outdoor worship space (inspired by our groundbreaking and our prayer times)
I see a thriving and diverse community of visual artists who regularly contribute our skills to worship services, and serve the church in other ways. We also support eachother through workshops, and do art outreach to the community, as well as partner with other Christian visual artists in the Richmond area for workshops, retreats, etc. We are in our infancy with this and I am excited!
I see PCC being a powerful force for salvation and positive change in our region.
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