If you're looking for something truly honoring, creative, or helpful, try one of these gifts this year:
- A Life Application Study Bible, New International Version What I've given you is very specific. There are other kinds of study Bibles. Some of them are good, but the Life Application Study Bible (LASB) is, in my opinion, the best non-academic one out there. The New International Version (NIV) is the most popular English translation of the Bible. You can get the LASB in other translations, but I'd get it in the NIV. Finally, you can get this Bible in all kinds of bindings - leather, hardback, etc. - which will effect the pricing. But however you choose it, it will make a fantastic gift. You can find one of these Bibles at most bookstores, on Amazon, Lifeway, etc.

- Sponsor a Child in Tanzania in honor of someone. Seriously, does your grandmother really need another coffee mug? As I get older, I realize that I have most of what I need, so take my word for it: Most people would be truly honored if they knew you gave a gift like this. Most kids in Tanzania don't go to school because their families cannot afford to send them. The average family lives on less than $1 per day. But PCC partners with Together for Tanzania to help support as many of these kids as possible, and Susan and I will be sponsoring one of these children this year. $150 will completely fund a year of one child's primary school education. Click here to find out more.
- A Weekend at PCC's Marriage Retreat. You wouldn't believe how many wives have approached me lately and said, "I really wish my husband would take me on this retreat." Fellas, she really wants this for Christmas. I don't care what race is that weekend or what hunting season is in on that Saturday. She's your wife! Mom's and Dad's, you can buy this for adult children, too, and throw in a free weekend of keeping the kids. The retreat is Jan 11-12 and you can find out the other details by clicking here and then scrolling down the page a little until you see it.
- Deep and Wide. I'll have a lot more to say on this later, but if you know someone who is really passionate about PCC - I mean really loves this church - than this might be a great gift for them. Right after the first of the year, I'll be talking a lot about this new book and asking leaders and folks who are vested here to join us in reading this with us. I've read a lot of books on churches like ours, but never one as good as this.

- Finally, one more book. For any leader or entrepreneur anywhere, at any level in any organization, I highly recommend Jim Collins' new work: Great By Choice. It's a fantastic look at why some organizations seem to thrive in spite of chaotic and uncertain circumstances, while others falter. I've learned a lot from this book already and I'm trying to apply and adapt. It's worth the read and I know it's a valuable gift.

Hope this helps all you last minute shoppers like me!
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