Thoughts on life, leadership and the movement called the church by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Recommended Reading

I read a lot. In fact, part of doing a good job for me means that I have to read. And I can't just read books that I particularly enjoy or ones that I agree with or authors I like. I have to read various points of view, a variety of styles and genres. This helps me to see the world as it really is and not get boxed into one way of looking at things. I often encounter God in surprising places!

The good news for me is that I enjoy reading. I didn't used to, but I very much enjoy reading now. So I've added an element to this blog so that you can see what I've been reading in the past few months. It's on the right side and it's a link from my Shelfari book list. Check it out. If you read something that is on my list, let me know what you thought of it.

Hope you enjoy some new and different reading!


Mary said...

Hi Brian!

I came here from Beth's blog. Welcome to the blogosphere! I started my blog almost a year ago and I have found it to be a great way to share.


Jayne said...

Welcome to the addiction... err... world of blogging Brian. :c) We've come to know your wonderful church and all the exciting things going on there through your very special Beth, who by her very presence in cyberland enhances the lives of so many. Blessings to you and to PCC.

Bill said...

Another Beth fan here, Brian. Through her and her blog I feel like I've been to your church! She and her blog have been such a help and inspiration. I will check in occasionally and since I have a daughter in Virginia Beach plan to get there one of these days.