Thoughts on life, leadership and the movement called the church by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

by Brian C. Hughes, Senior Pastor

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Obama, by Dr. Brian C. Hughes

As I sit here tonight, listening to President-elect Obama address the nation, I am a combination of hope and anxiety. Moving into the unknown is always a little frightening. There has been much speculation, much commerce in fear, much ill talk from all sides about who is worse than who and status quos verses new direction; experience verses youth; democrats verses Republicans; liberals verses conservatives; pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-choice, pro-NAFTA, pro-energy independence; anti-Cuba, anti-war, anti-free trade. On and on the rhetoric goes. We're tired. Our financial situation is serious, the war is serious, the future is tentative. We're all a little worried.
Hopefully you voted. Hopefully you sought God's direction before you did.

And now we know. Barak Obama will be the President of the United States. You can like it or not. You can gripe about it or not. But you have no choice but to accept it.

In our church, there is a diverse population. Some voted for Obama. Some voted for McCain. But what we believe together is that Jesus Christ is above the political fray and beyond the political realm. As Christ Followers, we claim a God that exists more powerful than any country or government. As Americans, we must do what we do best - we must come together. Bitterness won't get us anywhere. Aren't you tired of the division and bickering and fighting? I am.

So, I want you to know I will be praying for Barak Obama. I prayed for him tonight and I plan to pray for him every day as he transitions to the most powerful post in the world. I pray that he will use his influence for good, that his decisions will honor God, and that he can and will accomplish the unity that he so eloquently espouses.

With all my heart, I believe that praying for our President is the Christ-honoring thing to do. Let's do it cheerfully, passionately, and as those who love our God and love our Country.
Congratulations, President-elect Obama! The people of Powhatan Community Church are praying for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea to pray for our new president! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the election.
By the way, I noticed the spelling is actually Barack with a c!