PCC doesn't do a typical Vacation Bible School for kids. But we do offer Mega Camp. Mega Kids Camp just finished their week on Thursday. Each night around 100 kids came to learn sports or art, but also to learn about God's game plan for their lives. It was awesome!!!
The best part was hearing the kids' comments. One boy said, "I love coming to your church. It is so much fun!" Another asked his parents to change his brother's birthday party so that he could still come to Mega Camp. Another child insisted on coming early each night so that she would not miss a thing!
This year, we gave out the "Coach's Award" for those volunteers who exemplified great dedication and passion for the kids and for their sport/area. The following received the "Coach's Award" for 2008:
Bonnie Surma - Art
Brian Sloan - Basketball
Mandy Bowles - Cheerleading
Alex Higgins - Football
Mason Wolf - Kickball
Bobby Shortridge - Soccer
Cathy Rusch - Snacks
I am humbled by the other 60 people (volunteers) who also came every night to help. Many of them sacrificed time away from jobs and family to make the week a success. Thank you to all of you who made the investment in these children.
I can't wait for next year!
Susan Hughes
Children's Minister
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