Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Missing Link

We finished the Inked series today at PCC - 4 critical characteristics that should be evident in the life of every single Christ follower:  I am Broken.  I am Blessed.  I am Chosen.  I am Called. (watch today's service here)

It is this last one that is the missing link for many.  We finished with it today, with the powerful story of Jerimy Ford.  Here's a guy who was completely lost.  I can't imagine someone who could define brokenness more than Jerimy.  He was blessed because he was made in the image of God, but he was so confused about God he couldn't even figure out who God was. 

And, like Mephibosheth, Jerimy was helpless to rescue himself, but through Jesus Christ, God used people at PCC and Jerimy was rescued and finally he can see himself as a child of the King...

But this story isn't really Jerimy's story.  It's our story.  And this last part is our part.  'I am called' belongs to you and to me.

"I am called" - is ground zero for our church.  Without it, our church doesn't exist.  

Without people living out their calling, Jerimy Ford would still be lost, along with hundreds - even thousands - of others like him.  

You see, after you are chosen, you have to choose!  Are you going to just sit there, nodding your head, 'yes, I am broken.  Yes, I am blessed.  Yes, I am chosen.'  Is that it???  NO!  Out of those realities, God has called you to something greater than yourself and now you have to choose to accept your calling as missionaries, ambassadors, agents of change, persons of peace, workers for the Kingdom, carriers of the cause!

We are the church - the movement that Jesus created to go and get people who desperately need to know God, but aren't sure how to find him.  People just like Jerimy Ford.

You are called to that!

Live out your calling!  Find your place!  We can help.  Call us, email us, reach out.  If you know what you are called to do, great.  Go to that area at PCC and sign up.  Click here to get started.  Or just tell us and we'll help.  

There are still 12,000 people around the Powhatan Campus who don't go to church.
There are still 60,000 people around the Westchester Campus who don't go to church.
There are now 8,000 people around the Riverside Campus (Fork Union) who don't go to church.

We can help them.  But it will take us all living out our calling.

1 comment:

  1. His story is so wonderful and relatible to so many people. He inspired so many people today with his message and story. Thank you for being a part of our family's lives Brian! You helped him find God through all doubts and worries. Thanks you, Brian and Susan. -Savannah
