Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thanks to 3 VERY special people

Three years ago this month, Brenda Boggs, Matt Towler and Shelton King began on our Steering Team.  They finished their 36 month term on December 31, and I suspect they'd tell you it's been both fun and rough.  In fact, I said on Sunday that I thought they had the toughest term of any Steering Team class in our history.

At our first meeting, the economy had tanked and we had to make some of the hardest decisions in PCC's history.  Cutting the budget is never fun.  But cutting the staff line is enough to make you sick to your stomach for weeks.  That was their first job.

We navigated difficult waters with the troubled economy pretty much for their entire term.  I don't think they ever had a 'fun' budget conversation.  They are the only group who hasn't experienced the great joy of watching  God just heap blessings on our church financially.

Then they took our church through the difficult days of building our building.  To say that it was 'difficult' is such a gross understatement that it's laughable.  I'll leave it at that.

Every class of ST members has some great experiences and notable moments.  This group, in spite of our trouble, actually got us all the way down the home stretch and into our building.  And while I lament scarce resources, they actually navigated those waters in a way that allowed God to be honored and our ministries to thrive.

On a personal note, Shelton King served as the Team Leader for two years and he became a good friend.  He pastored me.  He gave me time and an ear.  There were moments when I needed someone to kick my butt, and Shelton knew exactly how hard to push.  He guided the team, never lost his cool, put in enormous amounts of time, and always believed with God-like optimism in the mission of PCC.

All three of these folks deserve our thanks.  They also deserve a season of rest.  Our church is better because of them, and I'm personally grateful for them. They inspire me to be better and to work even harder.

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