Sunday, January 22, 2012

6 Great Things about this Weekend at PCC

It was another fantastic weekend at PCC, breaking some records, lighting fires, exploring new things, meeting new people and seeing God work through it all.  Let me share with you 6 things that have happened in the past 4 days that are AWESOME!!!

1) P-Town After Dark (the student ministry Lock-In) was a MASSIVE success!  We knew it would be fun, and we knew some kids would come, but we had no idea just how many.  148 students showed up and stayed-up all night having a blast!  They jumped in the huge inflatable, Zumba'ed, watched a movie on the big screen, ate, ate, ate, and played hide-and-go-seek in the whole building (I would have loved that!).  Angie Frame (even though she had been really sick) came and and led the fun, with the help of some great adult leaders who love teenagers.  Way to Go, Angie and the PCC Student Ministry!

2) Thursday (which is not really the weekend, but I'm cheating a little), some of our staff, Steering Team and a couple of other leaders took a short trip about 40 minutes from our Powhatan location and started exploring the possibility of a 3rd physical PCC campus.  It was very exciting and very promising.  I believe God is moving among us to do a new thing.  We're good at doing new things - it's in our DNA - and I'm pumped about what's about to happen.  I don't have lots of details to share yet...mostly just praying and looking and knocking, but it's very cool.

3) Westchester is really growing.  There is a palpable energy at our Westchester Campus, and it has grown at a remarkable pace in the past few months.  A larger movie theater seems to be on the horizon as we're getting cramped in the room we're in now.

4) Once again, our Powhatan campus is starting to fill up, especially at 11:15.  But both services feel good, with plenty of people and plenty of energy in the room.  Wasn't it so great today to do "You Can't Always Get What You Want"?!  It reminded me that God is at work, in every situation and every circumstance.  Why should the Rolling Stones own that song?  Can't it be used as a tool for us to see what God wants us to see, and at the same time have a blast during the learning?!  It was a ton of fun!  We're working hard every week to be as creative and engaging as possible with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

5) We had PCC 101 today.  I always love that class.  In part 1, we hear from folks about why they came to PCC and why they came back.  Today, 25 or so people shared their story and it was incredibly inspiring to hear them.  It reminds me every time just how important the work we do is.  It matters, and people are bearing witness to just how powerfully God is moving at our church.

6) Idea's are shooting around here like crazy.  People are calling and emailing and Facebooking with all kinds of ideas about children, students, service ideas, topics, ministry, problems and solutions - I can't remember a time when I felt like there was so many people engaged in so many ways.  Seems like our folks are really getting it...and they're inviting their friends and neighbors,coworkers and families.

I think PCC is about to get crazy nuts insane...and you don't want to miss a minute of it.  It's the most fun I've ever had.  Hope you will be a part of it, too!

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