Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Wow! There are so many exciting things happening at our church. God is really doing some new and great things around and through us!

I have VERY important information to share with you. Please keep reading.

a) If you are flexible in your schedule, we need some folks to shift to the early (9:00am) service. Last week, we almost ran out of seats at 11. That's going to happen again this week. Come at 9 if you can.

b) PCC's WESTCHESTER CAMPUS LAUNCHES THIS SUNDAY!! Last Week's preview service went extremely well, and we got very positive feedback. But next week is the critical moment! We need to make sure there are enough people there to achieve critical mass. So, we’re asking folks – especially folks who live on the eastern side of Powhatan and into Chesterfield – to consider going to Westchester, especially on Easter Sunday. This will help us have some open seats at the Powhatan Campus and it would help the Westchester Campus, too. I'm only asking you to consider it, that's all. If you would prefer to come to the Powhatan Campus, of course you can.

c) At the Powhatan Campus, PLEASE TAKE THE SHUTTLE! Last Sunday, we ran out of parking spaces at the 11am service. EVERY PCC Insider needs to take the Shuttle so our guests can have a parking spot on site.

2. PARKING LOT LONG TERM: Within 2 weeks, we should have our parking lot straightened out and completely finished, dressed with gravel, and with a capacity of significantly more spaces than we have today.

Thanks for being flexible. Isn't it awesome that we have these kinds of 'challenges'?!

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