Some folks commented on a scarf I was wearing just before the program started when I led us in prayer. A guy from our church had given it to me before the service, telling me his wife had recently taught him to knit and he had made it for me. Cool, huh?
Well, after the service, he caught Dennis Green in the hallway and said this, "Tell your pastor that if that scarf was a mile long it wouldn't bring him the warmth that I feel after being here tonight."
Another lady stopped me and said, "My first service at PCC was one year ago tonight, and I just wanted to thank you for the great gift that you and your church have given me this past year since I've been coming to PCC."
Thanks to all who made Imagine Christmas happen. What you do matters!
On Christmas Eve, I was asked by a fellow Powhatan resident what my plans were for the evening. I told him I was going to church. He asked were I attended. I replied PCC. He said with 8000 others; I said no just a mere 1500. He asked why I would not attend his church which is just a few miles from my house. My answer was you can make a big church small but you can not make a small church big. PCC gave an excellent performance with Imagine Christmas. Where else could so many spend hours of their time doing something that would showcase the talents God gave them. I thank God for PCC, the big moments and the small. Well done. Happy New Year. Teresa K.