Monday, September 14, 2009

New Movie You Should See

There is a new movie coming out this week that I strongly encourage you to take your family to see. It's called The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry. I was privileged to see a preview of the movie a few weeks ago and I found it engaging and entertaining, with a well written story line. My 3rd grader was engaged during the entire film and asked faith-type questions about it when we left.

The movie opens on September 18 at Commonwealth 20!!! (only Commonweath 20)

The spiritual teachings in the film should form the basis of many conversation that you can have in your home - in your marriage and relationships, with your kids, and just internally with yourself as you engage wtih God on them.

Plus, as a bonus, a portion of the proceeds of this movie go to benefit PCC. We're the only church in the area that is getting this deal. So, go to Commonwealth 20 and see the movie.

If you have any more questions about the film, you are welcome to call the church office or movie website at You'll be able to see a trailer for the movie on that website.

Hope to see you there!

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