Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Building Update

We promised an update to the building at least on the 1st of every month. I don't have a lot to tell you in quantity, but I do have something to tell you that is quite important: Tomorrow there is another meeting with the former builder. We want to keep the lines of communication open and the dialogue going. As a good friend recently told me, as long as you can keep talking, there is a chance you can reach an agreement. When all communication stops, you reduce your options to one: litigation (in this case, arbitration). We can do that, but we'd prefer to put this behind us sooner, rather than later, if possible. Arbitration will take a good bit of time.

The Steering Team met tonight. Another extremely productive, but very late meeting. In fact, I'm at the office at 11pm writing this post, just after that meeting. Our meeting was solely about the building, the builder, and the meeting tomorrow. This Steering Team is working exceedingly hard on PCC's behalf, as is Dennis and Chauncey (who were also at the meeting tonight). I'm so proud of all of them and grateful for the work they are doing.

As I think about the 'town hall' meeting we had a few weeks ago and the post I wrote afterward, it occurs to me that I really struggle to 'move on' when it comes to our building. Which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I mean, I have unfinished projects all over my house - the half-painted upstairs hallway; the framed pictures that are still not hung up; one window is still waiting on a valance; some liriope I dug up in the early spring is still sitting on the driveway, unplanted. These and a dozen other unfinished things don't bother me at home...why can't I forget about our unfinished project at church?

I think it's partly a matter of stewardship. Stewardship to you. So many people worked so hard and sacrificed so much to make this building a reality. How can I possibly not work and worry about it every day until the problem is solved and we're moved in? Stewardship to our community. There remain subcontractors that didn't get paid. We don't really owe them any money, the former builder does, but the net result is the same, isn't it? It might not be our fault, but it certainly isn't their's, either. They deserve to be paid. Stewardship to our mission. Every minute that this weight hangs on us is a distraction to focusing on what God called us to do. Stewardship to God. This is not our money...not our project. It all belongs to Him. Doesn't he deserve our best?

If I sound like I'm all over the map, it's because I kind of am. I want to move on mentally and emotionally, but it's not that simple. I confess that it remains a struggle....a burden.

We're still working on the building. The folks we have on site are very skilled and work very hard and we are getting great value there. And progress is being made - last week we laid out the last part of the stage in the big room and made decisions on some backstage things like floor type and curtain placement. Some concrete work is going on and we're getting ready to install the portico. A lot of grading work is happening.

But the obstacle of the dispute with the former builder remains. So, please pray about tomorrow's meeting...that God would somehow make a way. And, of course, I'll update you with information as I have it to share.

Thanks again for your ongoing support and prayer.

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