Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tomorrow will be History for Someone...

You have a chance to make history...but today is the day.  Did you know that 70% of people who don't go to church say they are either very likely or somewhat likely to go if invited by someone they know.  Some studies indicate that figure is much higher - maybe approaching 90%.  

And, of all the church services of an entire year, only Christmas Eve rivals Easter Sunday in people's willingness to 'give it ta shot'.  They just seem to know that Easter is the time to go to church, even for people who don't normally go.  They can easily remain at home, but a gentle invitation is often all that is required for Easter Sunday.

So, pray today - ask God to show you who to call, who to ask, who to encourage.  Tomorrow, God will make History in someone's life.  It could be the person YOU invite. 

While you are praying, don't forget to pray for our church.  Tomorrow is a huge day for PCC.  Pray that we 'deliver the goods' (as I like to say) so that those you invite and others who come a little apprehensive and threatened will leave saying, "I think I could do that again!  Let's come back next week!"

1 comment:

  1. The very simple slide of the "three words" that you talked about through the message was very powerful for me:

    To be continued...

    He showed up

    You are released

    You're still Mine

    I send you
