Monday, April 6, 2009

A Special Letter from Pastor Rick

Rick Stigile is one of the 5 organizing pastors for last night's event.  He wrote a letter and I got it in my inbox after midnight last night (meaning the he, like many of us, couldn't sleep!)  I thought you would want to see it, so I've copied it here in full:

April 6, 2009

Powhatan Community Church
P. O. Box 834
Powhatan, VA 23139

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation to each individual and ministry team that worked so diligently and tirelessly to assist us with our Community Prayer Service on Sunday evening. As the host Church, you bore much more of the logistical responsibilities of the ministry for this meeting. No one, but you and our Lord, will know the number of hours that you put in prior, during, and after the service to ensure that everything went well.

I am extremely grateful for the Christian testimony that you exemplified by the giving of yourself and your talents! Although far too often the pastors receive the acknowledgement of a successful service, I truly realize that your ministry is just as essential in order to have a successful event.

As a result of your efforts, people left the auditorium Sunday evening with a new hope and an inspired vision of what the Church should be in our community. When we are able to move past our differences and build on our commonalities, we will then see Christ glorified and the Church edified. Thank you for helping us to make that happen!

I know that Pastor Brian is justifiably proud of you! Yet more significantly, I can’t help but believe that Jesus is sitting next to the Father and pointing down to our community and saying, “Now that’s my Church!”

May God continue to richly bless you and your great fellowship!

Your Brother in Christ,

Pastor Rick

Richard D. Stigile
Chairman, Powhatan Pastors’ Association
Senior Pastor, Bethesda Church of God

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