Monday, October 8, 2007

Giving Up Control

Yesterday's message was about being with God throughout your day - in all the things we do and in all the roles we fill. And I made this comment based on our discussion of Luke 9:57-62 that Jesus desires our entire being...that you can't compartmentalizing your life with Him or live in the past and in the present or pick and choose the parts of Christ you want and don't want.

Well, I have been studying Paul's letter to the church in Rome for the past few months, and this morning I was reading Romans 8. The verse that struck me was Romans 8:9, "You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you." Wow! If the Spirit of God lives in me, then He controls me. I give Him control. I cannot ask the Spirit of God to live in me and then only give Him partial control. That's not how it works.

May I renew my vow to fully surrender to God every part of who I am, every role I play, every moment of my life. May that be your prayer today, too.


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