I listen to music a lot. One of my primary means of expressing myself to God in worship is through music. At PCC, we strive to provide a variety of opportunities and styles for people to experience God on Sundays, and so I try to stay aware of as many different artists and songs as possible.
Often, folks will stop me in the hallway or email me and ask about a particular song or artist; sometimes, folks are just looking for some good music to listen to that might encourage them in their faith. There's a lot of good stuff out there - a lot of mediocre music as well, but if you look carefully you will find music that stands up not only musically and creatively, but also theologically.
Music really matters; for decades now, we have seen generation after generation adopt certain songs or bands as cultural icons. The words shape our thoughts and expressions - the sounds provide the soundtrack for our lives.
What's the soundtrack for your life as a believer? Are there certain songs that really resonate with your particular struggles, or celebrate your sense of gratitude or joy? Do you have all the resources you would like to include relevant, excellent music as part of your faith journey?
There's a new sidebar to the right, along with Brian's 'recommended reading' list. It's a link from a web service called Pandora that lists some of the songs I have bookmarked as being particular relevant to PCC. Some will be familiar to you; others might be new. All of the songs and artists mentioned can get you started in a new direction if you are looking for some fresh music to inspire you and keep you God-focused throughout the day. Click on any song and you'll get a chance to hear a sample or even purchase the song or album. Explore the 'create station' button to create your own personalized radio station that can provide a day-long worship experience for you, no matter where you are!
And while you're at it, leave us a comment and tell us what your favorite worship song is - and why...
"What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. This is my thoughts and heart in what I do everyday. I love everyone so intensely because they are part of God's wonderfull world. This is the task God has given me and this song reminds me and keeps me in the best frame of mind for accomplishing my calling.
Jim Mustian
We really enjoy listening to 90.5 Positive Hits on the radio and on-line. We hear a lot of the songs we sing on Sundays and new ones too. It helps keep us in perspective throughout a hectic day and reinforces what we hear on Sundays. It links Sunday to the rest of the week through music.
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