PCC's Blue Christmas service was just for them. This is what I said early in the service:
"If we do what we set out to do tonight, we will accomplish two things: The second is to claim a sense of hope and assurance for the future, and we’ll get to that. But the first thing we’re going to do is acknowledge and embrace reality. You don’t have to pretend, fake it, or play a giddy character in a Christmas play. For many of us, this Christmas is what it is: vacant, empty, lonely, scary…and silent. So, tonight it's ok to let your guard down.
Washington Irving once said 'There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love.' If Jesus could cry at the death of a dream, of a friend, in his pain…than we can, too. It’s ok. You are in good company here. This is a safe place. There is no shame in your tears."
People connected with God...and with each other. We received some very good feedback. Here are just two:
"Last night's service was awesome. I was so glad to be able to be there and hear the message. The music was BEAUTIFUL! What talent -- the harp, the instruments & the singing were just wonderful! I could have listened for a lot longer... Someone I invited to come with me has had a really hard time lately. He said to be sure to pass along how much the service meant to him. When we were leaving he said, 'I've got to start going there -- he found a lot of meaning in the message and music. Thanks for reaching out to the community and filling a real need this Christmas season. I can't wait for the Christmas Eve service!"
"I really appreciated the service this evening. You're right, the silence is deafening at times but the worse part is the lack of touch. I noticed most of the people in the congregation tonight had someone with them and most were being hugged or touched in some way. I go weeks at a time without a hug or any kind of loving touch. The last time I was hugged was a when at PCC a couple of weeks ago...The hug of a loving person is worth more than any words. Thanks for caring."
"Last night's service was awesome. I was so glad to be able to be there and hear the message. The music was BEAUTIFUL! What talent -- the harp, the instruments & the singing were just wonderful! I could have listened for a lot longer... Someone I invited to come with me has had a really hard time lately. He said to be sure to pass along how much the service meant to him. When we were leaving he said, 'I've got to start going there -- he found a lot of meaning in the message and music. Thanks for reaching out to the community and filling a real need this Christmas season. I can't wait for the Christmas Eve service!"
"I really appreciated the service this evening. You're right, the silence is deafening at times but the worse part is the lack of touch. I noticed most of the people in the congregation tonight had someone with them and most were being hugged or touched in some way. I go weeks at a time without a hug or any kind of loving touch. The last time I was hugged was a when at PCC a couple of weeks ago...The hug of a loving person is worth more than any words. Thanks for caring."
If you are a part of the PCC team, I just want to tell you: What you do matters. It makes a difference in peoples lives. Thank you for your investment at our church.
If you are not a part of the PCC team, but come to our church, I want to invite you to come alongside of us and invest your time, treasure and talents in what God is doing here. You can be a part of changing our community!
1 comment:
I was so grateful that you did this service, people need to know that others care when they are hurting, whatever the reason, or the season. ~ Someone whom I had never met before, thanked me for inviting her. We hugged, I could see the pain in her eyes, and I was so touched that she in turn wanted to reach out to me. ~ I hope this will become an annual event at PCC. Over and over, I praise God for bringing Barry & I to PCC. ~ May God bless you for all that you do.
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