Friday, December 28, 2007

Your Input Matters!!

There’s nothing more important to our church than your spiritual growth. Whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith, or you’re a long-time Christ-follower, we want to do everything we can to help you on your spiritual journey.
That’s why we need your help!
Beginning January 14th we’re asking you to follow the “REVEAL Spiritual Life Survey” link from the website, to take the REVEAL Spiritual Life Survey, which asks questions about your spiritual life and the role PCC plays in it. This survey is a unique research effort that involves hundreds of churches around the country.
Since the survey touches on a wide range of thought-provoking issues, you should anticipate needing 20 minutes to complete it. Let me assure you:

• This survey is completely anonymous. An expert third-party research organization will aggregate your input with responses from thousands of other people, so your survey will not be viewed individually.
• You will not be solicited for any products or services as a result of taking this survey.
• Your email address will not be distributed to another party.

We’ll close the survey on January 21st and begin crunching and interpreting the information.
Thanks in advance for your time and contribution to this very important work.

Chauncey Starkey
Church Administrator

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thoughts on heading into the new year...

December has been a whirlwind for me...perhaps for you, too. It's usually not until this week - the week after Christmas - that I get any real chance to reflect and process. Here are a few random thoughts...

REACH The Reach Campaign was both exciting and challenging. It's also not over. We'll be in it for 3 years. What I mean by that is this: REACH was a 3 year campaign where people made financial commitments over that 3 year period. We continue to get commitments in - just this week we've received well over $100,000 in commitments, and our total now exceeds $850,000. We're well on our way to our goal of raising $1.5 million over the next 36 months. Please, please consider making a commitment. Every commitment matters and helps us toward our goal.

Our Mission In case you don't know: The Mission of Powhatan Community Church is to reach those who've been untouched or unaffected by traditional churches and guide them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. This mission guides everything we do. When people email or call or talk to me face to face and say, "I don't like this" or "I prefer that", I usually help get us to a productive conversation about why we exist. I don't do church the way I like it. I don't do it the way you like it. What I'm interested in is this: what is effective at reaching people who are far from God and outside of other churches? How can we effectively help them understand that God loves them and wants a relationship with them? How can we prepare a fertile ground where they are most likely to encounter God's purpose for their lives, which will ultimately lead them to be full of joy and peace? Sometimes this requries us to do things that are unorthodox. Sometimes it may not seem comfortable or even worshipful. But what we do works. Members of PCC have signed up for this mission and are commited to it...and we couldn't accomplish it without every one of them. This past year, we baptized over 40 people and many more are finding their way into church when they had previously given up on church. This is what we're about.

2008. Next year will be a challenging year for us...but an exciting one. A year from now, we'll be nearing completion on our first building and planning to move in. We have a lot of work to do if we are to be prepared for the growth that this move will bring. We have to carefully balance and manage our time, our energy, and our finances. This is a great time to get involved at PCC! Our first series of the year is called Under Pressure and is a great time for you to invite your unchurched friends and neighbors!

PCC has had our share of challenges, but all in all it's been a great journey. If you are not a part of our church, not in a small group, not serving in an area that you really enjoy and about which you are passionate, we would love to help you! Give our office a call or email me and we'll get moving in the right direction!

See you Sunday - Brian

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Extreme Home Makeover comes to our area!

PCC has a really unique opportunity. Extreme Makeover Home Edition, ABC’s show that rebuilds or constructs a home for a family in need in just 1 week from start to finish, has selected a family in Rice Virginia. Construction is underway around the clock at this moment. Tim Dickson, Bobby Shortridge and others from our church are involved. Next Monday, December 10, is the ‘Move That Bus’ day. They need volunteers. If you would like to help or can be there on December 10, please go to and click on the link and then the link for volunteering.

Reach Campaign is Still Going

This past Sunday was a great day, and many people were ready to make a commitment to the Reach Campain to help make our building a reality. But there are still many folks who needed more time or simply weren't at church that day. We are hoping to get as many of the commitments as possible by December 31. If you have not yet made a commitment, I hope you will consider it. I'm available to meet or talk with you or anyone who might have questions about this. When you are ready, you can put your commitment into the offering basket or box or mail it to us.

Thanks to everyone who participated last Sunday. Your sacrifice is humbling and I'm honored to be a part of this church with you.
